Project 2 Handicap

Online log of a quest to drop my golf handicap from a nine to a two within sixty months. Sink or swim, I'll give it my best shot. Advice is not only appreciated, it's encouraged!

Monday, April 24, 2006

2 is My Goal

A wise man once said (and many others repeated) that significant goals are rarely achieved unless they are written down. That may or may not be true but it's hard to argue with the idea that by documenting my goal by starting a blog, and then telling family and friends about it so they can follow my progress or lack thereof, I'm at least gonna be more likely to stick with the plan.

Anyway, everybody else seems to have a blog so why not me?

So here goes...

Project 2 handicap will document my progress towards my goal of reducing my official USGA golf handicap to a 2.

Not much of a goal you say? Well maybe not in the scheme of things, but hey, I work to live and goodness knows I spend enough time working at things I don't enjoy that I should be able to spend time working at something I do enjoy.

So there it is. My goals is to drop my official USGA handicap from it's present lofty level of 8.9 to 2, and I will do so within the next 60 months.

Wish me luck, 'cause I think I'm gonna need it!


At 5:23 PM, Blogger Heather B said...

I just went to a leadership conference a few weekends ago and was taught at a class to do that very same thing!

Sadly I can only come up with a few goals to write down but I am working on it.

Welcome to the blogging world!

At 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You always accomplish anything you put your mind too. Try to have fun and don't turn your playtime into a job.


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