Project 2 Handicap

Online log of a quest to drop my golf handicap from a nine to a two within sixty months. Sink or swim, I'll give it my best shot. Advice is not only appreciated, it's encouraged!

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Had good success today using a tip from Every Shot Must Have a Purpose. They talk about separating the shot planning time (the think box) from the actual shot execution (the play box).

Essentially, the idea is to plan the shot, visualize it and commit to it, and only then step up to the ball and play the shot.

Also, it's important to stay committed. If you feel yourself changing your mind while standing over the ball they suggest stepping back into the think box.

I used this strategy this weekend with good success. While my shots didn't always come off exactly as planned a suprising number of them did, and I didn't have any poor shots caused by indecision.


At 6:13 PM, Blogger p2h said...

Similar to my routine. I stand behind the ball and visualize the shot. Don't move towards the ball until I "see it".

Then practice swings beside the ball It doesn't feel right if I practice swing behind the ball (?)

Then I step up to the ball, settle in, and swing.

While I have been visualizing, I've also at times changed my plan - almost subconciously - as I stepped up to the ball. Dropped my commitment.

I'm now concious of that and avoiding it. It's clearly making a difference.


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