Project 2 Handicap

Online log of a quest to drop my golf handicap from a nine to a two within sixty months. Sink or swim, I'll give it my best shot. Advice is not only appreciated, it's encouraged!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Swing Maintenance

A short vacation followed by a business trip means two lost golf weekends. So upon my return I was naturally worried about having lost the swing magic I had for the two prior rounds.

Sure enough, a quick visit to the range on Monday revealed that my swing had lost some crispness, and to make matters worse all of my shots were moving left to right - not my normal shot shape. But the wind was blowing that way, so I wasn't in a panic.

Another visit last night - this time with the wind blowing the other way - revealed that it was indeed my swing. But after about a half bucket I figured it out, and corrected the out-to-in swing path by focusing on firing the butt end of the club into my right hip pocket. By bringing the club in the dowswing closer to my body I was able to change the swing path to in-to-out.

And I read tonight that this swing change is consistent with Jim Hardy's one-plane swing fundamentals.

Guess I'll just have to memorize that book.


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